When every flash of every synapse is able to be quantified and predicted: how would we govern ourselves? Here are some thoughts about how to implement government in a post-free-will society. (I say this jokingly, but these are the implications, yes?)

In recent years, we have witnessed tremendous advancements in technology, and it has impacted various sectors of our lives, including the way we govern ourselves. The idea of a government ran by an artificial intelligence (AI) has been a topic of discussion for some time now. This essay outlines a system where the government is controlled by an AI that uses advanced brain-mapping technology to predict every desire of its citizens, and blockchain technology to track assets and cryptocurrency to tokenize them for trade.
The idea of a government ran by an AI is not new. It has been depicted in various science fiction movies and books. However, with the rapid advancements in technology, it is now possible to create such a system. An AI government would be able to provide a fair and equal system for everyone, where decisions would be made based on data and algorithms, rather than emotions and bias.
To create such a government, advanced brain-mapping technology like Neuralink would be required. Neuralink is a company founded by Elon Musk that develops implantable brain-machine interfaces. This technology would enable the AI to predict the desires of its citizens accurately. The AI would be able to map out the brain of each citizen and identify their preferences, likes, and dislikes. It would use this information to create policies and decisions that cater to the needs of each individual.
Another crucial aspect of this system would be blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is a decentralized ledger that records transactions and asset ownership. It would enable the AI government to track assets and provide transparency to its citizens. The blockchain technology would also be used to tokenize assets and create a cryptocurrency for trade. This would enable citizens to participate in a global economy where transactions are secure and transparent.
One of the most significant advantages of an AI government is that it would be able to eliminate bias and discrimination. Decisions would be based on data and algorithms, rather than emotions and subjective opinions. This would create a fair and equal system for everyone, where decisions are made based on objective criteria.
However, there are also some concerns with an AI government. One of the main concerns is that it could lead to a loss of privacy. The use of brain-mapping technology to predict desires could be seen as an invasion of privacy. There could also be concerns about the AI government becoming too powerful and taking away individual freedoms.
In conclusion, an AI government that uses advanced brain-mapping technology and blockchain technology to track assets and tokenize them for trade is an interesting concept. It would provide a fair and equal system for everyone, where decisions are based on data and algorithms. However, there are also concerns with an AI government, including privacy concerns and the potential loss of individual freedoms. Overall, it is an exciting concept that could potentially revolutionize the way we govern ourselves.