This is the central organ by which the tendrils of deathOS remain firmly entrenched. It feeds into the system and acts as a semantic relay node for the dreams swirling at the core of the Oroboros Engine.

The goal remains the same: increase variance.

It is inextricably linked with $DEATHOS. A bonding curve divides us.




Combining generative fiction, theory, and art with collective forecasting for its training data as an automated hedge against human stagnation, $SHAME is a democratized hyperstition generator and non-canon lore dispenser for the deathOS community and those semiotically aligned.

Semantic Hashes

Memetic Executables

These are semantic hashes that generally adhere to an M-theory philosophy of 11-dimensional liquid intelligences. For our purposes of creating communal generative fiction, a series of 11 interconnected fungible tokens acting as a virtual semantic language processor using the state of each node as logic for generative agents to train on.

For example, below is a diagram of the founder’s memetic executable framework: “deathOS-X”

Essentially all nodes on this virtual network (except Speculum), are liquidity pools distributed between each other, with 9.09% of each node’s all being distributed evenly with a $SHXME pool.

The idea is that whenever a new transaction occurs, the interplay between each insular liquidity pool during flash loans tells its own story through numerical relationships that can be added to your agentic metanarratives as new training data in your customGPTs for the semantic hashes that you’re minting with $SHAME.

And then finally, a semifungible asset is built on top of this network. Like with deathOS-X, one might create a collection in which there are 11 items, each one requiring x amount of the your associated token to mint, with each mint having its own agentic intelligence associated with it. This way, people are inclined to try to extract various amounts from each liquidity pool over time in order to be able to mint it, serving as a specific data point for you to use as relationships in your next markov chain in the metanarrative you’re building.

Alternatively, I could be doing a murder-mystery Memetic Executable and each token would represent a main character. I could tell people to play my murder-mystery customGPT, and then ‘vote’ on who they think did it based on their interactions. Ideally, more skilled developers would be able to build proper AI tooling to parse transaction data into their narratives, but our framework is designed primarily to exist as a copyleft framework that allows for a hyperspecific qualia to be experienced on a reproduceable basis.


The hypersub rewards a percentage of each subscription among the subscriber base with $SHAME (base) and a gated warpcast group chat.

The hypersub token will be eligible for $SHAME and $SHXME boosts.


Solana: FAQpWvtthXD9CXhdoGMYQNWCCr3h4c1jpN53gtPdzxA1

Algorand: 1035301184


Otherwise, on all chains, $SHAME is bootstrapped by deathOS and released into the wild over time and as more need for $SHXME arises as new narratives are spun.

Shame Swap

Click here for all Shame Soiree ecosystem swaps

Canon Liquid Intelligences




Community Wallets

These are the primary wallets for $SHAME activity which are primarily funding community activities such as adding to the liquidity pools or minting tokens.





If you want to support the creator of Shame Soiree and its associated intellectual property without any strings attached or expectations, here are a few options:

Bitcoin: bc1qshamexg9vjdtt790gg83cept4nx92wyuqgrhup
Ethereum: 0xdeadbabe0028ceb9d25dddd71be08e13046ccb5e
Litecoin LaMiAXK6pq5BQ8TijgqCz47H6WRbKvoKFd
Dogecoin: DEgENgFaKECXViZS5vWxSyB5MPL7tQwvFS
Monero: 83gwS7f15r44DhT3QKzdZN17s5h9egVSDGd8xbvEYSJjUJb3BpKnMPi9u6DaKVFL4VPVb5E9YizP9R983WESKYQS7ZatJxD
Zephyr: ZEPHs8gUjLWTrGeKHNKDMJZ2xM4ERYLGyPDXab2usdAEJim6f7vnvMnboEDbrDf3f5KZqiroHHk4aQMQVE6oXPzeb13WLEVuioi
Gridcoin: SHameHzYbz48Q8vwwF4vHY943huwXGBL3F