Trauma Treatises

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These are short essays aimed to help me process the circumstances that I find myself in as an individual living with a conduct disorder. You will come to find that I prefer to post a combination of measured responses as well as impulsive diatribes rife with emotional immaturity and poor insight.

I am in this precarious position of having a background in public relations, where I’ve been trained to think about optics and presentation. I like to wax poetic about behavior, perception, and what it’s like watching your life fall apart. All the while knowing mostly why and not maintaining enough resources to use your skillset effectively.

I like artificial intelligence, accelerationism, and have been thinking a lot about the future and how our past can help shape it (or break it.)

This is a safe space for me to double down, make excuses, and post about my feelings. You know, a blog. A zine. Whatever.